Saturday, October 30, 2010

Drama Competition at Rymiyonga

For weeks the Volunteer Health Teams have been practicing for the drama competition. The first round winners were three and with their Trainers they have been hard at work including role plays, songs, traditional dances with drumming and even making their own scenary. HIV/AIDS features in the presentation as does traditional medicine.

There is one member of the large Vesico-Vaginal Fistula team, a O & G resident, from the US staying at the flat to guide the last cases though their convalescene. They have spent all their time at the hospital,getting a rather trucated version of life here in Uganda, so I have invited her to join us. One of the groups has arranged for a mammoth community feast.

Friends, relatives and well-wishers will be attending. Cash prizes will be provided for the winners. Save the Children personnel have come to make the presentations.

The groups have done so many different songs and plays that each presentation goes on for at least a half an hour. The church is huge with walls stretching high into the ceiling, likely meant to be a cathedral when complete. The floor is mud and the windows without casings or glass but the idea is definitely grand. Chairs and benches have been brought in for us. The light is poor inside so I ask the puppeteers to bring their puppets outside where I can better photograph them. They seem proud to be asked as they have made the puppets themselves.

It is a joyous celebration. The groups well prepared and shining with delight. Wonderful really to see all the VHTs in their T shirts filling the place. This brings all the kids over to watch again, they can't get enough. I love the big foam faces and their matching curtains for the box.

Photos: Traditional healer drama; VHVs in their T shirts; kids watch; puppet show.



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