Monday, October 23, 2006

Pediatric Grand Rounds Vol 1:14

The Halloween Scary Medicine edition of Pediatric Grand Rounds is up at The Wait and Wonder. This is the first time I have taken part and I am honoured that the Puppets for Health post has been included. You can check it out by clicking on the picture of the witch.

Pediatric Grand Rounds is relatively recent itself, so Moreena at The Wait and Wonder has searched around for other appropriate blogs to include. We applaud her initiative in making Pediatric Grand Rounds more encompassing and far reaching. It makes for a great Halloween reading treat.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pediatric Grand Rounds Vol 1:14 at The Wait and the Wonder -
"Some people throw up their hands at the complex issue of addressing children's basic health needs in countries like Uganda. Borneo Breezes instead takes a thoughtful, low-cost, and sustainable approach to spreading the message of public health around the world. She is working on a project to use puppets to educate kids and parents alike. Nothing scary about her approach!"

12:45 AM  

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